Thursday, April 15, 2010

Summer Shave!

Is it The Three Amigos or The Three Stooges???????

Here I go again......

Jack and Thomas love to hang out in the garage, especially since they are not allowed outside (without supervision). They really like it when Daddy's car is in the garage, fresh from his drive home. With the hood nice and warm, these two monkeys could stay out there for a long time. I'm not sure if Ward likes it as much as they do-especially when there are dirty little cat footprints on his windshield.

Jack doing his best "Tawny Kitaen" across the hood.

Tommy, always ready for his close up.

Another good use for the Boppy

It's snuggle time.

Our Moose

This picture was taken at 14 weeks, 3 days. We are now quickly approaching 16 weeks. Ward came up with the nickname "Moose" since we met at the Blue Moose. It's crazy to think in 4 weeks we will know if in fact we are having a "Moose" or "Moosette". Stay Tuned.........

Here's a picture of Moose waving the wheat!

Monday, April 12, 2010

I Miss Beer!

I realize when you are pregnant, you have to give up certain things, i.e. alcohol, sushi, unpasturized cheeses, caffiene. I get it. I know the end result is worth it. It's just hard watching March Madness sober, especially when my Hawks loose in the second round! Then spring arrives and it has been so beautiful here. Perfect for a cold one after work, doing yard work, having dinner with friends. But not here-nada. This weekend Ward made the most DELICIOUS drink. It was a Moscow Mule meets a Brazillian Caipirinha-A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ( I may have snuck a teeny weeny taste).  I guess for the last 15 weeks, I have been able to satisfy most cravings, minus having a cold one. I know I can wait a few more months :o)

I miss you my friend (sniff, sniff)