Since before Maclin was born, we have been reading to him. I used to sit in his nursery, dogs and cats following me (and sometimes Ward), rock in the rocker and "practice" reading books to the animals in hopes Maclin was listening. Part of my thinking was if I read a book enough times, I wouldn't cry when I read them to him. (Please note this did not work. Yesterday I read "Love You Forever" for the 1023rd time and I still cried.)
Now Maclin is addicited to his books. It's so sweet to watch him. He will crawl into his room and grab one of his favorites. He just sits there and turns the pages (usually two to three at a time), sometimes giggles, and then moves on to another one (or another project-he is only ten months!).
Some of Maclin's favorites books are:
"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" - I don't even look at the pages anymore. "A told B and B told C........" ugh.
"Freight Train" - Maclin fusses when this one is over. Ward has this one down.
"Mutt Dog" - It is only appropriate we have a book about a mutt that is rescued and "every night when he goes to sleep, he knows where he belongs." T.E.A.R.
Any "Little Pookie" book (or Sandra Boynton book for that matter). He also likes "Happy Hippo/Angry Duck"
I hope he will continue this........