Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You want me to sleep where???

Thomas chillaxin' on the sofa.
The Three Stooges

Life with pets is a constant source of entertainment. It's also a good source of a headache! One of our daily battles we face is the "sleeping arrangement". Case in point, the living room sofa. What was once a beautiful (free of lick stains and the occasional tear) sofa, is now a favorite sleep spot. Who can blame them?!? I mean come on, it sits right in front of the windows giving all day access to bark (or stare) at EVERYONE that walks by. It also sits in front of the TV so while we watch our favorite shows, they can to us. Did I mention how comfortable it is? It's comfortable! Let's face it: Us humans make it even more appealing because there's a good chance one can receive a scratch if sitting next to us (or on us). Having them next to us isn't always a bad thing, especially in the winter. Sometimes Rowdy will lay on Ward and give him "Rowdy warmth". I swear it's like having a 60lb blanket....that sheds. Jack and Thomas are also notorious about keeping their "Masters" warm. I guess it's not so bad.

One day we will recover the sofa. One day we will make it where the monkeys can no longer get on it while we are away at work. One day we won't have to set up barricades because they will know their place is on the floor......One day. Ha! That last line was damn funny!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Snow Bunnies

Over Christmas, Mother Nature decided to dump a whole lotta snow on us. While it made things difficult for some, it also brought a lot of joy to others......hence the snow bunnies.

The Stars of The Show!

Thomas "Psycho T" relaxing on a dog bed, mainly because he thinks he's a dog.

Jack getting his nap on.

Guinness, decorated in his toys.

Rowdy on his perch (the corner of the sofa so he can lunge at the door when the mailman arrives).

Boulevard and Guinness enjoying some spring weather.

I felt it was only appropriate I introduce you to our family.

Boulevard was found in a dumpster in KCK. He is hands down the dumbest dog on the planet. "How can any dog be dumb?" you may ask. Well, have you ever seen a dog chase his tail? Sure. Have you ever seen a dog chase his tail, then move to his back leg, catch it, and still continue to try and walk in a circle while his back leg is in his mouth? No? Well look no further. Minus having the I.Q. of a stick, he is a love.

Guinness came from The Lawrence Humane Society. He was a little older when rescued so some of the "anxious" behavior was there long before the rescue. Guinness has the ability to make every dog in the house bark with his heave, paranoid breathing. He can also lick a hole into a rug. One of his favorite pastimes, licking the living room rug until Ward or myself yells at him. He then stops and gags/slightly vomits up hair. DISGUSTING!

Rowdy (I prefer Ro Ro Rowdy Bo Bowdy) came from the streets of St. Louis. OK, so not really the streets. He was found in a box on the side of the road. After living on bugs, he was rescued and spent the first five years of his life being the only dog. One of his amazing survival skills is his ability to slowly close his eyes when being disciplined. I think Rowdy believes if he can't see you, he's no longer in trouble. We'll have to post some pictures of his "What did you do?" face. He can also break down a tennis ball in less than 3 minutes!

Jack, the orange tabby, came from The Anti-Cruelty Center in Chicago. He likes to talk back to humans, but only if you ask him, "Do you love Danny Noonan?" Apparently, he watched way too much Caddyshack as a kitten. He also enjoys getting as close to me as possible when I sleep. And if Ward is watching TV, lookout because the Jack man is on his lap fast!

Last is Thomas, a.k.a. Psycho T. This cat is by far the most entertaining and crazy cat ever! He can usually be found looking out the front door with one of the dogs. When he's not standing post at the front door, he can be found chasing imaginary mice, attacking Jack, trying to climb behind the platters in the kitchen, attacking Jack, smother Ward, eat prosciutto out of the package, vomit on the dining room table, swat the dogs, sleep in between Ward's legs, bolt out the door as fast as lightening, or found resting on the couch.

Ward and I are pretty boring compared to these love monkeys!

The First Of Many

I've noticed many people have blogs these days. The majority of them use it so share pictures of their growing children, grow awareness to disease, share wonderful recipes and tell funny stories. All of this is great and we hope to one day contribute on the same level. Until then, we will share stories about our "kids"(our dogs and cats). This blog is dedicated to sharing the trials and tribulations of our spoiled rotten love monkeys. Of course there will be human stories too.